var DLPOCookie = { name: null, domain: null, cookies: new Array(), _in: function(n, d) { = n; var cookdom=''; var reg = /([^.]+\.([^.]{2,3}\.[^.]{2,3}|[^.]+))$/; var ar = reg.exec(d); if(ar != null){ cookdom='.'+ar[1]; } this.domain = (d == ''?'':'; domain='+cookdom); this.loadCookies(); }, isEnable: function() { this.setCookie(_dlpoocce, 'true', 60); this.loadCookies(); return this.getCookie(_dlpoocce) == 'true'; }, setCookie: function(n, v, t) { if (typeof n != 'undefined' && typeof v != 'undefined' && typeof t != 'undefined') { this.cookies[n] = {name:n,value:escape(v),expireOn:Math.ceil(t + new Date().getTime()/1000)}; this.saveCookies(); } }, getCookie: function(n) { var r = this.cookies[n]; if (typeof r == 'undefined' || r == null) { return null; } return unescape(r.value); }, deleteCookie: function(n) { var obj = new Object(); for (i in this.cookies) { if (i != n) { obj[i] = this.cookies[i]; } } this.cookies = obj; this.saveCookies(); }, getCookieNames: function(n) { var res = new Array(); for (i in this.cookies) { if (i.indexOf(n) == 0) { res[res.length] = i; } } return res; }, loadCookies: function() { this.cookies = new Object(); var n = doc.cookie.indexOf( + "="); if (n != -1) { var p = doc.cookie.indexOf(";", n); if (p == -1) { p = doc.cookie.indexOf(",", n); if (p == -1) { p = doc.cookie.length; } } var c = doc.cookie.substring(n + + 1, p).split("|"); var t = Math.ceil(new Date().getTime() / 1000); for (i in c) { var pz = c[i].split("#"); if (t <= pz[2]) { this.cookies[pz[0]] = {name:pz[0], value:pz[1], expireOn:pz[2]}; } } } }, saveCookies: function() { var res = new Array(); var t = 0; for (i in this.cookies) { if (this.cookies[i] != null) { res[res.length] = this.cookies[i].name + '#' + this.cookies[i].value + '#' + this.cookies[i].expireOn; if (t < this.cookies[i].expireOn) { t = this.cookies[i].expireOn; } } } var dt = new Date(t * 1000); doc.cookie = +'='+ res.join('|') +'; expires='+ dt.toGMTString() +'; path=/'+ this.domain; } }; var DLPOPc = { cookieName: null, expireTime: null, id:null, _in: function(id, n, exT) { this.cookieName = n; this.expireTime = exT; = DLPOCookie.getCookie(n); if ( == null || == 0) { = id; } DLPOCookie.setCookie(this.cookieName,, this.expireTime); }, getId: function() { DLPOCookie.setCookie(_dlpopcid,, this.expireTime); return; }, forceId: function(fId) { if ( != fId) { = fId; DLPOCookie.setCookie(this.cookieName,, this.expireTime); return true; } return false; } }; var DLPOPlatform = { ie: null, mac: null, supported: null, _in: function() { = window.navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1; this.mac = window.navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") != -1; var opera = window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") != -1; var knq = window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Konqueror") != -1; var ie4 = && (window.navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 4.") != -1); var ns = (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4); if(opera) opera = !opera; this.supported = !(ns || ie4 || opera || knq); }, isSupported: function() { return this.supported; }, supportsReplace: function() { return !( && this.mac); } }; var DLPOSafeOnload = { temp: new Array(), orderFirst: null, orderMiddle: null, orderLast: null, el: null, actionStarted: false, ev: null, _in: function(el) { this.orderFirst = 0; this.orderMiddle = 500; this.orderLast = 1000; this.el = el; if (typeof _Functions == "undefined") { _Functions = new Array(); } var offset = _Functions.length; _Functions[offset] = this; this.ev = new Function('event','_Functions['+offset+'].action(event);'); this.setup(); }, add: function(v) { this.sortedAdd(v, this.orderMiddle); }, sortedAdd: function(a,o) { var res = new Array(); res.order = o; res.action = a; this.temp[this.temp.length] = res; }, setup: function() { if (this.el.onload != this.ev) { if (this.el.onload) { this.add(this.el.onload); } this.el.onload = this.ev; } }, action: function(v) { if (this.actionStarted == true) { return; } this.actionStarted = true; this.temp.sort(this.orderSort); for (var i = 0; i < this.temp.length; i++) { this.el.onload = this.temp[i].action; this.el.onload(v); } this.el.onload = this.ev; }, orderSort: function(a1, a2) { return a1.order - a2.order; } }; var _oE = { platform: null, safe: null, status: true, _in: function(param) { this.platform = DLPOPlatform; this.platform._in(); this.status = this.platform.isSupported(); if (DLPOUser.getPageParameter(param) != null) { this.status = false; } if (!DLPOCookie.isEnable()) { this.status = false; } if (DLPOCookie.getCookie(_dlpoodc) == 'true') { this.status = false; } if (this.isAdmin()) { this.enable(); } }, isEnabled: function() { return this.status; }, getDLPOSafeOnload: function() { if ( == null) { = DLPOSafeOnload;; } return; }, disable: function(duration) { if (typeof duration == 'undefined') { duration = 60 * 10; } if (!this.isAdmin()) { this.status = false; DLPOCookie.setCookie(_dlpoodc, 'true', duration); } }, enable: function() { this.status = true; DLPOCookie.deleteCookie(_dlpoodc); }, isAdmin: function() { return doc.location.href.indexOf(_dlpooea) != -1; }, limitTraffic: function(level, duration) { if (typeof level == 'undefined') { return; } var tCookie = DLPOCookie.getCookie(_dlpootsc); if (this.isAdmin()) { tCookie = true; DLPOCookie.setCookie(_dlpootlc, level, duration); DLPOCookie.setCookie(_dlpootsc, tCookie, duration); }else if (tCookie == null || DLPOCookie.getCookie(_dlpootlc) != level) { tCookie = (Math.random() * 100) <= level; DLPOCookie.setCookie(_dlpootlc, level, duration); DLPOCookie.setCookie(_dlpootsc, tCookie, duration); } if (tCookie) { this.enable(); }else { this.disable(); } } }; var DLPOSetup = { _in: function(arg) { if (!DLPOPlatform.isSupported()) { return; }; var res = new Array(); var traffic = false; var area_id = ''; var area_param = ''; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (arguments[i].indexOf(_dlpottag+'=') > -1) { traffic = true; } res[i] = arguments[i]; } if (traffic == true) { if (arg.length == 0) { dlpo_name_temp = _dlpopgdt; } else { dlpo_name_temp = arg; } area_id = dlpo_name_temp + dlpo_ctprm; area_param = _dlpopage + '=' + dlpo_name_temp; } else { dlpo_name_temp = arg; area_id = dlpo_name_temp + dlpo_ctprm; area_param = _dlpoarea + '=' + dlpo_name_temp; } res[0] = area_param; var obj = new ORB(); obj._in(area_id, res); obj.put(); dlpo_ctprm++; }, defaultDisplayNone: function () { doc.write(''); } }; var DLPOUser = { _ogi: function() { return (new Date()).getTime() + "-" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999); }, getPageParameter: function(name) { var temp = null; var reg = new RegExp(name + '=([^\&]*)'); var res = reg.exec(document.location); if (res != null && res.length >=2) { temp = res[1]; } return temp; } }; var doc = document; var dlpo_ctprm=1; var _dlpoatid = 145; var _dlpoarct = 1; var _dlposurl = ''; if (typeof _dlpouiet == 'undefined') { var _dlpouiet = 7776000; } if (typeof _dlpoot == 'undefined') { var _dlpoot = 5000; } if (typeof _dlpootlp == 'undefined') { var _dlpootlp; } if (typeof _dlpootd == 'undefined') { var _dlpootd = 3 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60; } if (typeof _dlpockdm == 'undefined') { var _dlpockdm = ''; var _dlpodre = /[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/; if (!_dlpodre.exec( { _dlpockdm = doc.location.hostname; } } var _dlpopcid = 'PC'; var _dlpockna = 'DLPO'; var _dlpoocce = 'check'; var _dlpomdnm = 'mode'; var _dlpomdvl = 'LPP'; var _dlpomdvc = 'CPP'; var _dlpomdvi = 'ILP'; var _dlpomdvt = 'TCP'; var _dlpomdvp = 'PVP'; var _dlpoacnt = 'account'; var _dlpouqid = 'uid'; var _dlpohost = 'host'; var _dlpourl = 'url'; var _dlporefr = 'referer'; var _dlpoarea = 'area'; var _dlpottag = 'dtTag'; var _dlpopage = 'dtPage'; var _dlpoarct = 'count'; var _dlpochar = 'charset'; var _dlpowdth = 'width'; var _dlpohght = 'height'; var _dlporqtm = 'reqt'; var dlpoarcnt = 0; var DLPOs = new Object(); var _dlpoimpt = 'DLPOImported-'; var _dlpomakr = 'DLPOMarker-'; var _dlpodflt = 'DLPODefault'; var _dlpopgdt = 'DefaultPageID'; var _dlpoodc = 'disable'; var _dlpootlc = 'level'; var _dlpootsc = 'traffic'; var _dlpooea = 'envId'; DLPOCookie._in(_dlpockna, _dlpockdm); var _dlpouniq = DLPOUser._ogi(); var _dlpoopid = DLPOPc; _dlpoopid._in(_dlpouniq, _dlpopcid, _dlpouiet); var _dlpooe = _oE; _dlpooe._in('ORBDisable'); if (_dlpooe.platform.isSupported()) { if( == null) { _dlpooe.getDLPOSafeOnload(); }; _dlpooe.limitTraffic(_dlpootlp, _dlpootd); if (_dlpooe.isEnabled()) { DLPOSetup.defaultDisplayNone(); }else { } } function DLPOCreate(arg) { var argum = new Array(); for(var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) { argum[i] = 'arguments['+i+']'; } eval('DLPOSetup._in('+argum.join(',')+');'); } function _dlpoocA() { for (var i in DLPOs) { DLPOs[i].finalize(); } } function _dlpooctbi(id) { DLPOs[id].activate(); if (!DLPOs[id].isActivated()) { _dlpooe.disable(); DLPOs[id].finalize(); } } function ORB() { } ORB.prototype = { id: null, url: null, timeout: null, activated: 0, defaultDiv: null, offer: null, time: new Array(), activateCount: 0, error: null, _in: function(id, url) { url[url.length] = _dlpoarct + '=' + ++dlpoarcnt; = id; this.url = this.buildUrl(url); this.offer = DLPOOfferContent; if (DLPOs[id]) { //this.error = 'Multiple ORB with the id "' + id + '" exist on this page'; this.put = this.putNothing; this.activateAction = this.hide; } DLPOs[id] = this; }, put: function() { var status = false; var url = doc.URL; if (_dlpooe.isEnabled() || status) { doc.write('